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The Good News of Christmas: Part 1

Nov 28, 2024

3 min read



We are about a quarter of the way into the Nativity Fast leading up to the celebration of Christ’s birth.  We have this time of year to prepare for and reflect upon the good news of Christmas.  We hear the word ‘Gospel,’ or ‘Good News’ in English, so often that it might lose its meaning, so for today, let’s look at how the good news of Christmas means that light, life, and love are coming. 

Light is Coming

Due to a recent weather event, many of us lost power to our homes.  At my house it was for less than three days, but I thought it was fitting that this outage and period of darkness happened at the beginning of Nativity.  ​

In our culture, the Christmas season is filled with light and energy.  There is such a buildup until Christmas, then it seems like the lights and energy stop suddenly.  It’s almost a movement from light to darkness.  Our church invites us to celebrate Christmas differently.  We start in darkness and we move towards the light of Christmas.  

I’m so used to electricity, it was good to be reminded of the long dark of night.  Waiting for sunrise has a very different meaning when you cannot simply flip a light switch.  Similarly, we are waiting for the fulness of Christ’s light to come.  This Nativity season, we can let the light of Christ shine into any darkness within and around us. 

Life is Coming

About six years ago, my father passed away.  Sometimes, I think about what it would be like if he hadn’t died, and he was coming to visit.  I would be so excited to welcome him and embrace him once more.  Most everyone has encountered death and the pain and disconnection it brings.  Because of Christmas, death does not win.  It is not the end.  

Because Jesus is born at Christmas, life conquers death.  We have the hope of reunion with our loved ones, and as we grow in our love for Jesus, the hope for meeting Him face to face grows in us as well.  This Nativity season, we can remember our church’s invitation to joyful sadness.  A world filled with death is so very sad, yet the hope of an eternity of connection and love through communion with God invites us to joy.   

Love is Coming

When we look at the world around us, what emotions do we find?  It is easy to see feelings of anger, fear, and hate all around, but there is also love.  Love is not just an emotion; it is also an action.  In the world around us, we also see so many actions that are not loving, but even in the midst of our selfishness, everyone longs for love, both in feeling and action.  Christmas tells us  that the source of love is on our side and is at work to make love both the emotion that fills everyone to overflowing and also the inspiration for all that we do.  

We live in a world where it is easy to let darkness, death, and despair overshadow our lives, but because of Christmas darkness is illumined by Christ’s light, death is destroyed by His life, and despair is healed by His love.  This Nativity season, let’s journey away from darkness, death, and despair, and towards the light, life, and love of Jesus.

Nov 28, 2024

3 min read


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