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Standing In Awe

Dec 3, 2024

2 min read



There’s an Evangelical Christian worship song that came to my mind recently. I was thinking about the importance of standing in silence in front of God — whether at church during liturgy, in front of one’s prayer corner, or even standing in the silence amongst God’s creation. The words and the melody of the song entered my mind and made me think of the awesomeness of God. He is Love like no other. He is “too wonderful for comprehension” and He is “beautiful beyond description.” When I searched, I found there are several songs with the title of “I Stand in Awe.” I have heard this version by Mark Atrogge sung many times and by some very beautiful singers from the churches I attended. I will save you from my singing, but here is the first verse:

“You are beautiful beyond description,

Too marvelous for words.

Too wonderful for comprehension,

Like nothing ever seen or heard.

Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom?

Who can fathom the depth of Your love?

You are beautiful beyond description,

Majesty enthroned above.”

Saying those words out loud bring tears to my eyes. Perhaps, partly, because I can hear the melody and emotion that comes from the song. I hope you are able to hear those simple sentences and recall verses from the Bible that describe God’s amazing attributes — His awesomeness throughout the Old Testament and then the beautiful way in which He brought salvation to the world through His Son, Jesus Christ.

One way we can foster our knowledge of God and learn about His awesomeness is through reading the Bible and reading the words of the Saints. Liturgies are full of praising and worshipping God using the words from the Bible along with telling the story of His presence and interaction with the world. It has taken me quite a few years in the Orthodox Church to see, feel, and hear all that is involved in a service. And, I am still learning! But I do know, standing in silence in front of Him, who created each one of us, brings an inner joy that is difficult to describe.  You just have to try it!

I am fortunate to be able to look out our windows and see the beauty of the Port Susan waters and the Cascade mountains. This can bring me to my knees, figuratively, as I look out while going about my day. However, I can also be taken to my knees, when I pass my prayer corner with my beloved icons. They have seen me through many a trial in this life. This is one of the many beauties of the Orthodox way of living.

I’ll leave you with the chorus from “I Stand in Awe.” Perhaps it will resonate with you when you stand in silence in front of God.

“And I stand, I stand in awe of You.

I stand, I stand in awe of You.

Holy God, to whom all praise is due,

I stand in awe of You.”

In Christ’s Love,


Originally published in the Holy Apostles E-Bulletin

Dec 3, 2024

2 min read


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