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Peace of Soul

Feb 13

3 min read



Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. —Philippians 4:6-7, NKJV

I am reading the biography of St. Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833), An Extraordinary Peace: St. Seraphim, Flame of Sarov by Archimandrite Lazarus (Moore). I find when I read biographies of the Holy Fathers & Mothers, I often read only a few pages at a time. They usually are full of wisdom and quotes. So, a few pages can contain a lot! I like to let the words soak in so they don’t get lost amongst so many good words of wisdom. Unfortunately, even then my mind may not remember as I would like it to remember!

St. Seraphim is known for his peaceful soul, or nous. (The nous is linked to the heart in many scripture passages and can be described as the mind of the heart, or the eye of the soul.) This “peace” known to St. Seraphim and many others can benefit all of us as we go through life.

There are many visible, worldly occurrences in this life that disrupt our life. We also carry individual injuries and scars that affect our soul’s peace. So between the tragic events visible to the world such as storms, war, fire, earthquakes, politics….  and our individual trials of health, trauma, heart wrenching relationships and any other issue that unsettles our peace, we can benefit from St. Seraphim’s example and words.

By all means, we should try to preserve peace of soul and not be disturbed by offences from others…. Nothing is better than peace in Christ…. The Holy Fathers always had a peaceful spirit and being blessed with the grace of God they lived long. (p. 30)

If we cling to Jesus and allow Him to be with us and settle in our soul, His grace and mercy will help us get through the struggles in this life. Whether these are issues out of our control in the world or the personal issues that unsettle us, God’s peace can soften the struggle and help us carry on. Continuing to attend and participate in the liturgies and sacraments, time spent in prayer, reading the Bible and other spiritual guiding books help replenish our souls. Reciting the Jesus Prayer as much as possible also allows us to touch base with God throughout our busy days.

When we are at peace, whatever our situation, we are able to spread God’s love to others. St. Seraphim:

Acquire peace and thousands round you will be saved. When a person is in a peaceful state of mind, he can from himself give out to others the light of the illumination of the reason. This peace, like some priceless treasure, our Lord Jesus Christ left to His disciples before His death. (p. 30)

I know from experience that containing and keeping this peace of soul can be done. It’s not always easy. I fail often. It can take a lot of work to maintain and harness peace of soul. But, once you take the steps to retrieve that peace, you find it’s not as difficult as you thought. Our loving and forgiving God is always waiting for us with open arms and strength.

In Jesus words as he was departing his disciples:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. —John 14:27 NKJV

In His Love,



Originally published in the Holy Apostles E-bulletin. Subscribe here.


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